A Public Advisory Council has been established in the Treasury

11 july, 2023

A Public Advisory Council was established at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and its first meeting was held.

The purpose is to provide advisory, informational and methodological assistance on topical issues of the university's activities. Also, to develop recommendations on the main directions of development and social infrastructure of an educational institution and submit them for discussion by the Academic Council.

It should be noted that since 2014 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has been a Global Hub of the UN Academic Impact Program on Sustainable Development and is actively working to promote the principles and initiatives of the UN and UNESCO to create conditions for dialogue between civilizations, cultures and peoples.

Well-known state and public figures were invited to the Public Advisory Council. In particular, ex-Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law Musabek Alimbek, Major General of Justice Mukhtar Zhurgenbayev, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Myrzakarim Alshynbayev, ex-Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan Alik Shpekbayev, ex-Deputy of the Presidential Affairs Department Anuarbek Argyngazin, artist and public figure Yerbolat Tolepbai, ex-Akim of Almaty region Amandyk Batalov, Advisor to the Rector, Doctor of Law Yerkin Duysenov, Chairman of the Parasat Workers' Union of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Talgat Mekebayev.

During the meeting, Rector's advisor Erkin Duissenov familiarized the participants with the position of the Public Advisory Council and noted their responsibilities. He also familiarized in detail with the activities of the university and shared his achievements. It was noted at the meeting that a work plan for the development of the campus until 2025 has been developed and approved.

"Next year the university will celebrate its 90th anniversary. There are a number of complex works and decisions to be made in connection with the construction of the second stage of the KazNU Campus. Comprehensive events with the participation of foreign and domestic scientists are planned. We need your advice and professional experience to celebrate the anniversary with dignity and implement large-scale projects. Therefore, we will often discuss various social issues with members of the public council and make joint decisions," E. Duissenov said.

Press Service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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