KazNU students work on campus

26 july, 2023

This year, 30 students of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University worked within the framework of the Almaty city program "Zhasyl El". The student construction team from June 1 to June 30 was involved in seasonal work on the territory of the university and the city.

Resource and energy efficiency is becoming the most important factor of sustainable economic growth today, which is enshrined in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs, 2015). One of the modern tools for solving these problems is currently the concept of a "green university", which involves the introduction of environmental practices at the university, the improvement of its campus, and the improvement of the level of eco-culture of students and staff. The concept is becoming more and more popular in the world among universities.

The Zhasyl El program is aimed at reducing unemployment, promoting environmental and patriotic education, and strengthening friendly relations among young people.

Work in this direction was carried out in order to ensure environmental sustainability in the implementation of the sustainable development Goals of KazNU.

Students under the program are assigned a monthly scholarship in the amount of 70,000 tenge and a scholarship of KazNU – 40,000 tenge. Young people were provided with free housing and uniforms.

The student construction team, together with employees of the university's production department, cleaned and took part in landscaping the territory. Rooms in dormitories and academic buildings on the campus have been renovated.

Also, seminars on moral and spiritual education and sports competitions were held at the educational institution for the student squad. On Saturdays and Sundays, the university administration organized cultural events and recreation in the Medeu tract, the Central Recreation Park of Almaty, the Palace of Students and the Baluan Sholak Sports Palace. Seminars and campaigning events were held on the theme – "Almaty is a green city". The students also visited the nursing home and provided assistance.

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University holds leading positions in promoting "green" initiatives and was one of the first universities to sign the RIO+20 University Declaration on Promoting Sustainable Development.

The efficient use of resources and energy and the implementation of green initiatives by universities and enterprises is an important factor for sustainable economic growth, which is enshrined in the UN Sustainable Development Goals. As part of this program, KazNU students annually participate in landscaping and landscaping of the campus and the city.


Press Service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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