Children's corner opened in KazNU

10 september, 2023

In honor of International Family Day, a children's corner was opened at the Law Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University on September 10.

      This initiative is being implemented within the framework of the 17 United Nations goals for quality education and sustainable development (SDG-3, SDG-4, SDG-5). Quality education should be available to all regardless of social status. Thus, the university now has a children's corner that allows mother students to attend university courses and continue their studies without interruption.

"We create a conducive environment for our student moms to listen to lectures, take exams and freely participate in cultural activities and academic projects. In this corner, mothers can feed their children, change diapers and leave them to play. Active students and volunteers will help to look after the child. If necessary, this corner can also be used by faculty teachers," says Karlygash Rakhimzhanovna, Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law.

The children's corner has various toys and informative books. There are pictures of animals on the walls. To ensure children's safety, the corner is enclosed with small fences.

"If there is no one to watch my child, I sometimes have to bring my child to the university. Now at such times I have the opportunity to leave my child at this center and take part in a lecture. This will help young mothers keep up with their peers to get an education," says doctoral student Kymbat Tagaybek.

 Press- service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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