«Language is the soul of the nation»

8 september, 2023

Today, in honor of the Day of Languages of the People of Kazakhstan, a lecture on Leadership Asyly Osman «Language is the soul of the nation» was held.

The lecture was attended by Osman Asyly Aliyev, Honored Worker of Kazakhstan, holder of the Order of Parasat and honorary badge «Language Sympathizer», «Although my nation is different, my soul is Kazakh», «My treasure is the Kazakh language», students, senior advisers of the Faculty of Journalism, Philology, history.

The event opened with a welcome speech by the director of the department of social work Zh.D.Yesimova. She briefly introduced Asyly Aliyevna for beginning freshmen and foreign students.

«Asyly Aliyevna is a corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a doctor of philological sciences, a professor. She worked at the Institute of Linguistics, in the language committee. In addition, one of the authors of the ten-volume «interpretive dictionary of the Kazakh language» noted that he has great respect for the development of the Kazakh language as to a patriotic person who proves it not by words, but by deeds».