Almaty - my creative cradle

15 september, 2023

SDG11. Sustainable cities and communities

On October 15, 4th year students and a teacher of the educational program "6B03205-library information systems" of the Department of World History, Historiography and Source Studies of the Historical Faculty of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University G.Abikov took part in the literary and musical festive event "Almaty - my creative cradle" dedicated to the Day of Almaty, which was held in the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 
During the event, students took part in the fair "culture, art, crafts, book", a photo exhibition of the public association "Photo Art" "Figures of Almaty", where they got acquainted with the jewelry of artisans. In addition, students were able to enjoy a festive concert program, which was held with the participation of poet-singer, author of the soundtrack of the TV series "Crossroads" Thomas Tomasov, folk dance ensemble "Ainalayyn, Asyl Azhe" and young Kazakh poets. At the end of the event, the students shared their thoughts and impressions. In general, the festive event was held at a high level.