SDG-3: «Measures to combat suicide»

8 september, 2023

The Department for Social Development and Youth Work of the Almaty city Akimat of the Youth Policy Department and the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held a seminar for curators – advisors "Measures to combat suicide" within the framework of the project "Life is the most important value".

Suicide is one of the threats in society that arises as a result of real mental problems. Under the influence of various global factors, personality behavior undergoes changes. According to the World Health Organization, Kazakhstan occupies a leading position in giving its lives. Unfortunately, it is the younger generation that believes that suicide is the future of our country. It is a pity that he resorts to such incredible actions as a way to overcome internal shocks.

The work on the prevention of suicide, which exists in society among young people in general, continues all year round.