Studying at the University of Tsukuba as part of the academic mobility program

3 october, 2023


4th year students of the specialty 6B10107 "Public Health" of the Faculty of Medicine and Healthcare Akhmetoldinova Nazykesh Kanatovna and Medeubai Moldir Yerzhanovna studied at the School of Humanities and Culture of the University of Tsukuba, Japan from March 1 to August 31, 2023 as part of the academic mobility program for a total of 6 months. Moldir and Nazykesh expanded their knowledge in the field of public health, gained experience in studying at a foreign university and got acquainted with the culture of Japan.

In addition, on July 5, Kazakhstani students of the University of Tsukuba presented Kazakhstan. During the presentation: national dishes were prepared and the ceremony "Kyz Uzatu" was shown. They demonstrated national games such as "Asyk ata","Arkan Tartu", danced "Kara Zhorga", and also played the dombra.Thanks to this event, our students not only demonstrated the rich traditions of the Kazakh people, but also glorified them as a hospitable people.

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