Promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, ensuring access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and participatory institutions at all levels

5 october, 2023

Building peaceful, just and inclusive societies is essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. People everywhere should be free of fear from all forms of violence and feel safe as they go about their lives whatever their ethnicity or faith.

On October 2, 2023, the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Evidence-Based Medicine organized an online meeting with the teaching staff of clinical disciplines of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University on the legal aspects of protection in healthcare. The meeting in an interactive format was conducted by an acting associate professor of the department, PhD, independent expert in the field of healthcare, and legal consultant Elmira Tugelbaevna Auezova.

During the meeting, lecturers of clinical disciplines raised issues of legal protection of medical professionals, as well as issues that are often encountered in practice.

The problems of imperfection of normative legal acts regulating the activities of specialized services are touched upon.

There are a lot of problematic issues that require urgent solutions, but it takes time to make a decision on bringing them into compliance.

For high-quality education of students studying at the Faculty of Medicine, teaching staff constantly improve their qualifications, devote time and study legal issues, which is very important at the moment.

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