5 october, 2023

  On October 5-6, 2023, in Moscow, Russian Federation, an International student competition was held at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia on the topic “expressive reading and oratory.” The  students from Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Armenia, Bashkortostan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Russia, Uzbekistan, as well as representatives of different nationalities studying at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia participated in the competition. The goal of this competition, organized within the framework of the year “2023 - Russian Language” with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, is to improve, develop expressive reading and oratory skills among Russian-speaking students, as well as strengthen friendship, unite representatives of different nationalities. In this two-day competition, 56 participants from 9 countries were divided into groups “Pushkin”, “Tsvetaeva”, “Aitmatov”, “Bulgakov”, “Akhmatova”, “Yanka Kupala”, where the participants demonstrated their knowledge, dexterity, and skill.

Two students from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University took part.  The 4th year student majoring in  “6B02305-Kazakh Philology”,  Gulim Nurlanovna Aspandiyarova and  the 3rd year student of  “6B01703-Russian Language and Literature” major  Zhumasaeva Aliya Serikovna. The students were supervised by candidate of philological sciences, Associate Professor of A. Baitursynov Department of Kazakh Linguistics,  Kulzhanova Bakytgul Raikhanovna.

Aspandiyarova Gulim Nurlanovna won in the category “Literature. Here is what I like".

Each participant was awarded different prizes from the organizers.


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