International Student Conference: "Modern Trends and Priorities of Healthy Eating"

19 october, 2023

On October 13, 2023, the International Student Conference “Modern Trends and Priorities of Healthy Nutrition” was held in the conference hall of the Kazakh Academy of Nutrition, dedicated to the goals of “Sustainable Development”, “Good Health and Behavior” and “World Healthy Eating Day”. The conference was attended by teachers and students of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Care of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the School of Public Health of KazNMU named after. S.Zh. Asfendiyarov, School of International Medical Faculty, School of Pharmaceutical Production Technology. In addition, in an online format with reports, Associate Professor Beisbekova A.K., who is improving her education with the Bolashak program in the USA, Master's student of the Ministry of Health and Public Health of Duquesne University, USA Harshita Ramanan. At the conference, a 3rd year student of the specialty “Public Health” of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Care of KazNU named after. Al-Farabi Zhaksylyk Adelia made a report on the topic “The harm of fast food to the human body”, analyzed the results of a survey of students about the consumption of fast food and its harm to the human body. 4th year students of the specialty “Public Health” presented videos and introduced brochures about the dangers of fast food to the human body. With a report on the topic “Influence of energy drinks on human health”, worthy 4th year students of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Care of KazNU named after. al-Farabi Baisynov Nurlan and Tulebaeva Nurgul. Students conducted a complete analysis of international research on the effects on the human body. In addition, based on the results of the student survey, the results were summarized and brochures on the impact of expenses on human health were distributed. Questions were asked on the topics, which the students answered well. At the end of the conference, the attending students were presented with certificates and gifts.

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