Rector of KazNU met with scientists of Iran

23 october, 2023

Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebaev met with a delegation from Iran, who arrived in KazNU to participate in the international scientific-practical conference "Virtuous man in the legacy of Al-Farabi, virtuous society and modern ethics".

The delegation included Shahida Bakhshti University professor, president of the Association of Iranian Philosophy Gulamreza Avani, associate professor, head of the Institute of Cultural, Social and Civilization Studies Reza Gholami, director general of scientific and academic cooperation, cultural organization and Islamic communications Khalaj Monfared, lecturer at Tabriz University, specialist in comparative philosophy and mathematical logic Masoud Omid and others.

During the meeting, the sides expressed their mutual desire to strengthen partnership in the spheres of culture, civilization, education and science.

The head of the university Zhanseit Tuimebaev, welcoming the distinguished scientists, made a number of suggestions. "Our university is named in honor of philosopher, scientist Abu Nasr al-Farabi, who became the Second Teacher of the World. This is a great honor for us. Therefore, we pay great attention to scholars who are researchers of Al-Farabi. In this context, we suggest that you promote research on Al-Farabi thinker in Iran and write articles. Also, joint scientific books will be published in the near future together with Iranian scientists. All these steps are designed to connect the universities of the two countries and promote cooperation in the spheres of culture, history and education. There is a chair of Iranian studies in KazNU. Currently, 11 Iranian students are studying," the rector said.

In turn, the members of the delegation expressed support to the mentioned proposals and expressed interest in further development of relations.

Press service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University