The Academic Council considered the results of activity of scientific centers of KazNU

31 october, 2023

The Academic Council of Al-Farabi KazNU discussed the results of scientific institutes and centers of the university, as well as the state and prospects of IT infrastructure and digitalization of the university.

Director of the Department of Science and Innovation Activity Zholdas Buribayev presented a report on "On the activities of scientific institutes and centers of the University". The dean of the Faculty of Geography and Nature Management Aliya Aktymbaeva acted as a co-rapporteur. According to the speaker's information, 355 research projects with total funding of 8 507 million tg. are currently being implemented at the university, including 49 projects within the grant funding of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2023. Scientists of KazNU named after Al-Farabi are annually awarded monetary prizes for articles published in international rating editions of Scopus database. In 2023 the authors of 537 rating articles in quartiles Q1-Q2, published in the journals of Scopus database, and the total amount of 129.1 million tenge were awarded.

"KazNU jointly with Tech Garden won a grant to create the first in Central Asia model factory on Industry 4.0 for the amount of 600 million tg. Amirkhan Temirbaev, General Director of the Cluster of Engineering and Science-Intensive Technologies of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, is the deputy head of the subproject. This important step will allow to organize and develop the center of engineering competencies in the field of industrial robotics and robotization, which will be based in Almaty at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University", - emphasized Zholdas Buribayev.

The rapporteur in his speech gave a final assessment of the activities of research institutes of natural-technical and socio-cultural direction, emphasizing the need to intensify work in the field of implementation of scientific projects and publication activity.

In turn, Chairman of the Board - Rector of KazNU named after Al-Farabi Zhanseit Tuimebaev said: "By the Resolution of the Government we have become a research university. And now, having summed up the results of scientific centers, it is necessary for faculties, departments and centers to develop a strategic development plan for each half-year and year".

A detailed report "On the state and prospects of IT infrastructure development and digitalization of the university" was presented by the Director of the Department of IT Infrastructure Development Galymzhan Sariev, co-rapporteur - Head of the Department of Mathematical and Computer Modeling Jolaman Bektemesov - complemented the speaker's speech. In this sphere a lot has been done: a partial modernization of equipment has been made, Wi-Fi access points on the territory of the university have been updated and supplemented, the traffic speed has been increased, the website of the branch of KazNU in Bishkek has been created, measures have been taken to improve information security, including installation and updating of Firewall, etc. The work is currently underway in the area of integration of the information security, including installation and updating of Firewall. Currently there is work in the field of integration of information systems to create a smart environment and development of information-analytical system of the university.

At the end of the meeting, the rector of the university gave a number of instructions to the heads of departments and deans of faculties, including the creation of a roadmap for the optimization of business processes at the university and the re-establishment of the university ethics council.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University