SDG-4: Students and teachers visited the Children's and Youth Theater named after G. Musirepov

30 october, 2023

Continuing the series of events “Almaty - Theatrical” (within the framework of UN SDG No. 4 “Quality Education”), students and teachers of the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminology visited the Theater for Young Spectators named after G. Musrepov. The production of the play “Bolmagan balalyk shak (Childhood that never happened)”, based on the work of the same name by Akberen Elgezek, is intended to convey to the audience the story of a difficult childhood through the language of art, to make it understand that despite life’s difficulties and difficult fate, everyone lives and tries to improve life, overcomes difficulties, believing that a better, happier future awaits ahead.

The audience was deeply touched and inspired by this performance. The boy's story, his struggle with life's difficulties and desire for the best left an unforgettable impression. The artists conveyed the emotions and deep meaning of the work, challenging the audience to reflect on willpower, compassion, loyalty to a dream and perseverance in overcoming difficulties.
This performance will remain in the memory, reminding us of humanity and the importance of fighting for our dreams in life.