Postmodernism in Modern Kazakh Literature

7 november, 2023

On November 7, 2023,  the  teachers of the Department of Kazakh Literature and Literary Theory of the Philological Faculty of  al-Farabi Kazakh National University R.Abdikulova, Sh.Shortanbai and L.Mekebayeva conducted an interview-lecture on the topic:  "Postmodernism in modern Kazakh literature". 

The lecture was conducted by  the senior researcher of  M.O.Auezov Institute of Literature and Art, PhD, literary theorist,  Saulembek Gulmira Rzakhanovna. The speaker  touched upon one of the current problems of Kazakh literature. It is   postmodernism direction, based on a recently published scientific work ("Postmodernism in modern prose"). The main features of  postmodernism direction  were identified by giving specific examples and its differences from other directions. The questions asked by the students made the lecture more interesting.  

Undoubtedly, the meeting with the author who wrote a valuable work on teaching  "Modernism and postmodernism in Kazakh literature" discipline  studied  by the  4th-year students of  "Kazakh Philology" major was very useful.