Students visited the Children's and Youth Theater named after G. Musirepov.

10 november, 2023

In order to implement the SDGs, on October 25, 1st year students of the specialty “Logistics” of group K3 with their advisor took a trip to the G. Musrepov Children’s and Youth Theater in the direction of 4-quality education.

The play "The Uprising of Brides " by the outstanding writer-playwright of the Republic of Uzbekistan Said Ahmad. This play is one of the best works written in the comedy genre, which has not left the stage for many years. People from the same dynasty, traveling on the orders of the general, rebel against their mothers with the rebellion of Nigora, who was a young bride only yesterday. Taking the head from one sleeve from one bank, the marshal develops a plan to overthrow the old woman.

The comedy shows not the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but the problems that arise in society as a whole. It is based on the problems that people face in everyday life, such as freedom, the right to choose. The performance uses national dances and music of the Uzbek people, which firmly hold the traditions of the grandfathers. The comedy, filled with humor, plunges the audience into deep reflections, causing laughter.

Thanks to this, students got acquainted with the history and culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


Organizer: Rysbaeva B.B.