Republican course: "Theoretical education within school programs and SMART technologies"

27 november, 2023

The Department of Kazakh Literature and Theory of Literature of Philological Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the Educational-Methodological, "Til-Kural" Akhmet Baitursynuly Scientific-Research Center invite you to the Republican course: "Theoretical education within school programs and SMART technologies", which will be held on November 27 – December 2, 2023. The Republican course will be held within the framework of Sustainable Development Goal No. 4 "Quality Education".

The purpose of organizing the Republican course is to improve the theoretical knowledge of school teachers, exchange experience and knowledge on innovative technologies used in the study and teaching of literature.


Languages of studying at the Republican course: Kazakh, Russian.

Format of the event: offline and online.

Speakers of the republican course: leading domestic scientists, teachers, writers, literary workers.

The following topics will be considered within the framework of the republican course:

1) Legends and fairy tales

2) Heroic Epic

3) The story

4)  Zhyrau poetry

5) Public speaking

6) Foreign literature

7)  A writer’s Creative laboratory

8) Preparation of  student’s scientific projects

9) PR technologies in the education system and in the literary sphere

Note: Theoretical knowledge combined with practice will be given on these topics, the works of writers included in the 5th grade textbook will be covered in detail.

At the end of the republican course, all participants will be awarded certificates.

The following candidates can take part in the republican course:

* from all regions of the Republic;

* Between the ages of 18 and 50

To participate in the republican course, you must fill in  an application using the following form:


Full name (in full)

Place of work (in full)

Contact phone, e-mail






 fee: The course is paid. The cost is 10,000 tenges.

The deadline for applications  is up to  November 26, 2023.

Adress: Almaty city, A. Baitursynov Street, 60

Detailed information about the winter school can be obtained at: 050040, Almaty, Al-Farabi Avenue, 71, Philological Faculty, Department of Kazakh Literature and Theory of Literature (office 323) or 050040, Almaty city, A. Baitursynov Street, 60, A. Baitursynov Museum; Phones: 87057768159, e-mail: