«Digital University»

10 november, 2023

On November  13, 2023, 1st year students of the Higher School of Economics and Business held an online teleconference with schoolchildren of 11 grades on the theme "Digital University". The theme of the meeting was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Al-Farabi University.
In the first part of the event Abdulaziz A., Aitbayeva A., Anuarbekova A., Kasymova M., Fedorova S., Chilmanbetova J., Nemirovsky Jan introduced schoolchildren with the history of the university, its faculties and student life.
In the second part, students answered questions from schoolchildren, such as: 
Nurzhuma Araylym - №140 gymnasium of Almaty city;
Akzhol Ayan - №24 lyceum of Almaty region;
Aytmukhanbet Akniyet - secondary school "Murager" in Kyzylorda;
Ybyraimkyzy Salima - secondary school "Algabas" Taraz city;
Yuldashbekova Ruzana - secondary school "Khamza" Turkestan region;
Auspekova Alina - secondary school №16 Merke district centre;
Ғanikyzy Shugyla - Gymnasium named after Bekmakhanov from Shu.
In conclusion, schoolchildren expressed their gratitude to the organisers of the event.

Organisers of the event: G.K. Kulzhanbekova, I.G. Orazbekova, A.R. Khalenova, A.O. Bekalaeva, G.A. Murumbaeva, Z.A. Tleugabylova.