KazNU develops cooperation with Indian universities

22 november, 2023

Swapnil Sharad Kothawade, Consul General of India in Almaty, paid a working visit to Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

At the meeting, a member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovative Activities Zhamila Aitzhanova told the guest of honor about the experience of scientific and educational interaction between KazNU and universities, institutes, organizations of India in various fields.

The University cooperates with 9 higher education institutions and organizations in India. Within the framework of academic mobility students visit universities in India to participate in various conferences and research internships. Today 655 students from India study in KazNU. The University has a Department of Indology and the Mahatma Gandhi Center, opened in 2018 with the support of the Embassy of India in Kazakhstan.

On the initiative of Al-Farabi KazNU and with the assistance of the Embassy of Kazakhstan in India, the Kazakh-Indian Scientific, Educational and Cultural Center "Al-Farabi" was opened in 2019.

"We thank you, Mr. Consul, for your interest in the activities of Al-Farabi KazNU and are open to proposals for the development of cooperation in the field of science and education", - emphasized Zhamila Nurmatovna.

Thanking for the warm welcome, Mr. Swapnil Sharad Kothawade noted that he is always happy to participate in joint events, scientific conferences held at KazNU. "I visited the Faculty of Oriental Studies. I was interested in the experience of creating various joint centers and would be happy to actively assist, if in KazNU named after Al-Farabi were created jointly with Indian universities centers in the field of IT, programming and Hindi studies. I took part in a scientific conference recently held at your university. In India there is a tradition to celebrate various national holidays. In this regard, I propose to jointly organize an event for students dedicated to the culture of the two countries. This will provide ample opportunity to popularize knowledge about the culture and language of India and Kazakhstan among the youth".

The meeting ended with a discussion on the development of cooperation in the implementation of scientific projects and cultural initiatives of the two countries.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University