"Prevention of criminal offenses among minors and adolescents"
On the eve of the 90th anniversary of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University on November 23, 2023, at the Department of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, the head of the Adilet Club, Professor G. M. Atakhanova, together with 408 groups of law students and members of the Adilet Club, held a meeting with representatives of the Almaly district Prosecutor's Office of Almaty Amirkhan Abzal Meyrkhanovich and Tanat Ernur Maratovich on the topic: "Prevention of criminal offenses among minors and adolescents". During the meeting, representatives of the Prosecutor's Office emphasized the importance of developing legal awareness and legal culture of citizens in the development of the country, that the higher the legal culture of citizens, the higher compliance with legal norms, the fewer offenses among the population with high legal literacy. One of the strategic activities of law enforcement agencies is to increase the legal literacy of citizens, increase the volume and quality of legal campaigning. One of the main tasks facing society is the prevention of offenses among children and adolescents, preventing the growth of juvenile delinquency. He noted that this issue is currently becoming one of the most urgent.