A meeting of SAS representatives was held in KazNU

25 november, 2023

The first meeting of representatives of the Academic Communities Network (ACN), organized by USAID Central Asia’s Regional Water and Vulnerable Environment Activity (WAVE) in cooperation with the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

The event was attended by about 30 representatives of educational institutions from five Central Asian countries, who discussed a number of issues and directions to improve cooperation between universities in the region and reviewed the results and work plan of the CAS.

Speaking with a welcoming speech, member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovative Activities of Al-Farabi KazNU Zhamila Aitzhanova noted the key results of cooperation with the Academic Community Network of Central Asia. As a result of this activity, common educational programs and courses were created. "Joint educational programs facilitate the exchange of academic resources and transfer of best practices between universities. For example, cooperation between the Faculty of Geography and the Faculty of International Relations at KazNU led to the creation of a joint educational program "Water Diplomacy" for Masters of Natural Sciences", - said in her speech Vice-Rector Zh.Aitzhanova

The speakers emphasized the connection of the discussed issues with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In this regard, the Vice-Rector noted that Al-Farabi KazNU is the global hub of the UN program for four consecutive years and promotes all 17 Sustainable Development Goals and is ready to continuously expand multilateral cooperation for their implementation.  

Also at the meeting the deans of the Faculty of International Relations Leila Delovarova and the Faculty of Geography and Nature Management Aliya Aktymbaeva made speeches. They expressed their readiness for further fruitful cooperation and assistance to the Central Asian Academic Community Network.

It should be noted that CAS is working to create partnerships and networks to improve the level of teaching and research in Central Asian universities.

Representatives of universities and international development programs discussed the problems and prospects of CAC development, shared their experience of cooperation and identified potential partnership opportunities for educational institutions within the framework of this network.

According to the organizers of the meeting, CACs provide a good opportunity to share innovative teaching materials with colleagues and other universities.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University