Lecture on the topic «Farabi-izgi a philosopher»
On October 26, at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, a member of the Iranian Academy of Sciences, President of the Association of Iranian Philosophy, Professor of Shahid Beheshti University, Farabi scholar Gulamreza Avani gave a lecture on the topic «Farabi is a philosopher»
The meeting was opened by the dean of the faculty Bekzhan Meirbaev, congratulating the participants on the Republic Day and wishing the foreign scientist G. Avani to give a lecture. The lecturer focused on the works of Abu Nasr al-Farabi teaching ethics and moral virtues, ethical principles in achieving happiness. The scientist, calling the teachings of the great thinker of the Great Steppe a window into the knowledge of philosophers before him, argued that the need for the practical implementation of his teachings is undeniable.
Speaking at the meeting, Khalaj Monfared, Director General for Scientific and Academic Cooperation of the Organization of Culture and Islamic Communications in Iran, invited Kazakh students to study in Iran as part of academic mobility.