Man and society in Botai culture: civilizational discourse

1 december, 2023

An open lecture on the topic "Man and society in Botai culture: civilizational discourse" will be held at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Faculty of History on December 6 at 11.00 in auditorium 4-1 (Museum of Ethnography)

Lecturer - Ayazbekova Sabina Sharipovna - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Kazakhstan branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Academician of the International Academy of Sciences and Higher Education (Great Britain), Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Publications: 7 monographs and 5 textbooks, over 150 articles.

Research areas: philosophy, cultural studies, archaeology, linguistics, aesthetics, religious studies, art history, history and theory of music.

Research interests: theory and history of civilizations, civilizations and art of the Great Steppe, Tengrianism, Eurasian culture, system of cultural universals.

Awards and diplomas for academic activities:

Diploma of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences "Founder of a new scientific direction: The Civilizational classifier of the Great Steppe"

24 diplomas of the winner of the Scientific Analytics Championships of the Global International Scientific and Analytical Project (GISAP, Great Britain);

Diploma and Gold medal of the Europalata – "Diploma di Merito"";                                                                                 

Gold Medal of the International Book Exhibition "Frankfurter Buchmesse – Special Edition – 2020"