On December 04, 2023, at 8:00 a.m., a guest lecture was held within the framework of SDG 8 "Decent work and economic growth". The lecture was conducted by Deputy Head of the State Revenue Department for the Bostandyk district of AlmatyAlbayeva Aizhan Nazhmanovna, Chief specialist of the Taxpayers Department Soltankulova UlzhanMyrzakhanovna and Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting, Candidate of Economic Sciences Kerimbek Galymzhan Eskarauly. The lecture was devoted to the discipline "Tax Administration" and there were participated 4th year bachelor students. The topic of the lecture was "Tax policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan: current issues, changes and additions".
The lecture covered issues related to the adoption and implementation of the new Tax Code in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the digitalization of tax administration. The objectives of tax control, stimulation of small and medium-sized enterprises and modern innovations in tax policy were also considered.
The students showed their interest asking a lot of questions regarding tax benefits for individual entrepreneurs, the impact of the tax moratorium on the country's economy, innovations in the Tax Code, the advantages of retail tax, the experience on the country's tax system is based, the need for complete digitalization of tax administration, as well as the usefulness of various types of entrepreneurship.
The guest lecture turned out to be very useful for students, as it combined theoretical knowledge with the experience of professionals and certainly increased the interest and motivation of the students.