Sustainable Development Goals 6-7. "Let's save clean water and energy."

12 december, 2023

Students of the PPT educational program in the discipline "General Chemical Technology" are given lectures on the topics of clean water, energy sources, laboratory classes and parallel seminars.

Students of the TPF specialty in the discipline "General Chemical Technology" are given lectures on the topics of clean water, energy sources, laboratory classes and parallel seminars are held. In order to summarize the results of the last lesson, we organized a large event "Sustainable Development Goals 6, 7. Saving clean water and energy".

Thoughts about the limitations of natural resources and the limitation of their use were expressed by both ancient philosophers and Kazakh thinkers. This is evidenced by the Kazakh proverb "Everything has its price." As for the scientific side, for the first time the concept of sustainable development is found in the works of the English economist Thomas Robert Malthus, who lived in the XVIII century. Malthus said in his work that if an increase in the amount of resources is not undertaken, the world may face problems such as famine, war, and environmental disaster in the future.

The Sustainable Development Goals are global goals adopted to protect the globe and maintain peace. The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals will work towards the implementation of 17 goals.

Reducing pollution by 2030, eliminating waste discharges and minimizing emissions of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of untreated wastewater and improving water quality Ensuring integrated water resources management at all levels by 2030, including through transboundary cooperation as needed, by 2025 will contribute to the development of ecosystems associated with with water, including mountains, ensuring the protection and restoration of forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes.

Enhance international cooperation and encourage investments in energy infrastructure and clean energy to enhance renewable energy, energy efficiency and facilitate access to research and technology, including cleaner fossil fuel technologies.

The seminar concluded with video clips and intellectual games developed by the students. Judging by the way students compete and discuss the quiz questions, we are contributing to the global theme.


Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Chemistry, Catalysis and Petrochemistry Zhaksylykova Gulbanu Zhaksylykovna