The winners of the competition have been determined

29 december, 2023

The competition among designers, undergraduates, students to update the logo of Al-Farabi KazNU in honor of the 90th anniversary of the university is over.

January 15, 2024 is the 90th anniversary of the founding of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

In this regard, in November 2023, KazNU announced a competition among designers, undergraduates, students to update the logo of the university. More than 80 applicants participated and competed in it.

The university administration and members of the commission of famous designers determined the winners of the competition, having analyzed the works received for the competition.

The work that won first place was sent to the contest committee under the pseudonym "Farabi". The artist-designer asked not to publish his name and said that if his project won, he would give up the prize fund. Also, as an alumnus of the institution, he said that he would like to make a special gift for the 90th anniversary of the university and transfer the copyright to the university. The jury unanimously recognized this project as the best. The 2nd place was taken by designer Yerbolat Kisimisov, the 3rd place by designer Beisen Serikbai.


Also, four participants who were active in the contest among undergraduate and graduate students were awarded with incentive prizes.

The winners of the competition were awarded with cash prizes and certificates.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University