"Ethnographic image of the world and the Turkic heritage"

16 january, 2024

From January 16 to 18, 2024, in honor of the celebration of the 90th anniversary of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the II International Scientific Congress: "Ethnographic image of the world and the Turkic heritage" was held.  The  Rector of the University,  Tuimebayev Zh.K. and the  turkologists  from near and far abroad took part in the given event.    During the plenary session held in the Library of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University the Chairman of the  University Board, Rector Zh. K. Tuimebayev made a speech on    Turkic languages  and  concluded  it with   the words  of gratitude to  the  guests who came to the Congress.


The event was continued by  the  presentations  of  the scholars of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics who told about  about their scientific projects.   The   foreign scholars  prepared the reports  on following  congress sections:   Historical Archeological  Research:  Formation and Evolution  of the Turkic Peoples ' Community, Turkic and Altai Languages: History and Modernity,  the Language of History and History in the Context of Language. The scientific congress also  included helding round table  discussion:  "Multilingual Person in Turkic World: Immortal Spirit of Generations"    dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Herold Belger.  It  touched upon  the  topical issues of linguistics.  The congress lasted three days. The  interesting  cultural program was prepared   for the foreign  guests  followed by  the winter   trip around  the city.   The Chairman of the University  Board,  ZH.K. Tuimebayev  ended the work of the congress  having  expessed the words of gratitude  to  the foreign scholars  for the participation.