The issues of updating educational programs were discussed at an expanded meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Oriental Studies

30 january, 2024

Updating educational programs today plays a critical role in ensuring the effectiveness of the education system. The modern world is characterized by rapid changes in technology, economics and the social sphere, which requires constant updating of educational materials.

        On January 23, 2024, at an expanded meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, issues of updating educational programs were discussed. Previously, the issue of updating and updating the existing educational programs of the faculty was considered at the next meeting of the Employers' Council on January 18. After a dialogue with representatives of various companies and enterprises in Almaty, proposals were made to introduce elements of management, economics and legal aspects into the disciplines of the curricula as elective courses. During the meeting of the Academic Council, the faculty's teaching staff shared their opinions, having previously analyzed existing educational programs such as "Oriental Studies", "Translation Studies (Oriental languages)", "Foreign Philology (Oriental languages)" and "Regional Studies (Eastern countries)". The Academic Council proposed new educational programs for three levels of study, which will be developed in the coming month. By the resolution of the extended meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty, coordinators and developers of new programs were appointed.  

       The importance of updating educational programs lies, firstly, in ensuring compliance with the educational requirements of the labor market. Rapidly developing industries and new technologies create the need to teach students relevant knowledge and skills. Also, changes in the technological sphere require constant updating of programs to integrate new tools and approaches. Modern teaching methods and pedagogical approaches are constantly evolving, and updating programs makes it possible to integrate new innovations. An important component is the development of critical thinking and analytical skills among students, which the updated programs contribute to with greater efficiency. In addition, updating programs increases students' motivation, as they see the practical significance of their education and its direct connection with real challenges and opportunities.