Issues of economic security were discussed in KazNU

31 january, 2024

The international scientific-practical conference "Problems of economic security and customs regulation: search for effective solutions", timed to the 90th anniversary of Al-Farabi KazNU, was held in Al-Farabi KazNU.

The event was attended by representatives of government agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, civil society, human rights organizations, international and national experts, leading national and foreign scientists, university professors and young people.    The conference was organized within the framework of implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals aimed at creating a peaceful, open and democratic society.

The conference heard reports on legal issues of economic security of the RK, tax legislation in the transition to sustainable development, digitalization of tax activities and tax administration. Also at the event were heard reports on the activities of government agencies to ensure economic security, etc.

Scientists and experts exchanged opinions on the conference topics. Following the results of the conference, the materials of all speakers will be published in an electronic collection, which will be assigned an international standard number.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University