Ph.D. G.A. Kambarbekova gave a leadership lecture students of lyceum 178

14 february, 2024

Senior Lecturer, Department of Middle East and South Asia Galiya Kambarbekova on February 13, 2024, gave a leadership lecture for students of the 178 lyceum on the topic “Dates about the Kazakh Khanate in Persian sources.” The lecture discussed the close historical, cultural, and spiritual ties between ancient Turan and Iran. The main focus was on what an orientalist must do to work effectively with any sources. In addition to sources preserved in the form of manuscripts or ancient books, various artifacts, inscriptions carved on stone, and various products are considered as sources, which is one of the goals of Oriental studies. For example, when working in Iran, it is very important to study tombs, palaces, various decrees, and rock inscriptions of ancient kings through interdisciplinary research. In addition, the fact that most of the sources relating to the history of the Kazakh people in the Middle Ages were written in Persian was discussed, and the reasons for this. During the lecture, it was said that the words Kazakh and Kazakhstan first appeared in the Persian source “Badai al-wakai” and that other Persian sources contain a lot of information about the history of the Kazakh people.

At the end of the leader's lecture, it was said what qualities must be acquired and what subjects should be studied to become an orientalist. An orientalist is not only a researcher, he is a teacher, translator, and a universal specialist working in all areas between the countries of the East and Kazakhstan. At the end of the lecture, students were asked questions and participated in a discussion. The students' meaningful questions showed that these are smart, free young people with great hopes for the future. G.A. Kambarbekova gave the students who asked interesting questions books translated by her and her students. At the same time, it was discussed with the teachers of Lyceum 178 that it is very important for researchers to establish direct contact with students and conduct such leadership lectures to guide students in choosing a profession in the future.