«Health is the main wealth»

16 february, 2024

On February 16, 2024, at 11.00 in auditorium 310, the Department of Civil Law and civil procedure, labor law announced the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals " Health is the main wealth. "held a scientific seminar on the topic:" The speaker of this event was candidate of Law, Associate Professor Omarova A. B.The proverb "health is a great wealth" is not said for free. The main wealth is health. Health is the greatest value given to man by nature. Health can be maintained and strengthened in different ways. Everyone has their own it is necessary to pay special attention to health. Take responsibility for your own health it is necessary to observe a healthy lifestyle. A person today cannot consider himself an educated person before mastering the culture of a healthy life and health. After all, the health of each of us is not only a personal asset, but also a necessary condition for our country to become one of the Fifty developed countries. That is, the health of people is also one of the most important factors reflecting the level of civilization of this country. And the main condition for health is a cultural environment, a healthy lifestyle. That is why the head of State N. A. "Nazarbayev noted that the strategic program"Kazakhstan-2030" is aimed at proper nutrition, compliance with cleanliness and health measures."The seminar was a great opportunity for the participants to exchange experience, express their opinions and defend the rights of people with disabilities, discuss. The event also contributed to the strengthening of interaction between students and teachers, creating a favorable learning and research environment.


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