Zhandos TAUANOV, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemical Physics and Materials Science: we must create modern training facilities

26 february, 2024

1.What, in your opinion, should be the "best university teacher", what requirements (pedagogical, psychological, etc.) should he/she meet?
2.Are you satisfied with the curriculum of the subject you are lecturing on? What do you think you can do to improve it?
3.What are the shortcomings of our society in training qualified specialists, can you name them?
4.Is the level of education of the youth satisfied?
5. Do you agree that" society is becoming illiterate"?

1.The best teacher should be a professional of his/her work, able to effectively transmit information, not only deep knowledge. He should also be patient, focused, able to adapt to different learning styles and have high communication skills. The best teacher should be particularly attentive to the needs of learners, instill in them an interest in the subject, develop critical thinking and encourage them to develop themselves. I think that in order to be among the best in today's conditions, it is very important to be actively engaged in research work, to establish a collaboration, to enroll in self-development courses and to participate more often in educational gatherings held in the state, i.e. in networking.

2. I am generally satisfied with the curriculum for the subjects I lecture on. However, I believe that the program can be improved by introducing such teaching methods as interactive lessons, laboratory work and the use of modern technologies. In order to update the program and meet the current requirements of the labor market, it is also important to take into account students' opinions and conduct regular reviews. In some cases, teachers use a very old source of literature, while the field of science and education is updated every year, continuously evolving. Therefore, it is necessary for learners to be as a source of new knowledge currently available and even needed in the future, and develop their inquisitive qualities.

3.Are not without certain shortcomings in the training of qualified specialists. For example, it is often the case that students lack laboratory training and experience, which can reduce the level of preparation for the specific difficulties of professional work. It is important to strengthen ties with business and industry to ensure that students are matched with laboratory experience and training. Providing the necessary equipment for laboratory classes is a prerequisite for training highly skilled professionals. Therefore, we must create modern training facilities that are necessary for any university to provide the best possible quality and applied education, taking into account the needs of the market, the needs of the students.

4.I assess the level of general education of young people at the university as good, but, of course, there are points that can be improved in any sphere. Students should be given more opportunities for scientific research, practical projects and internships. It is also important to support the development of students' critical thinking, independence, and creativity. For example, informational meetings can be held every month on different topics: for example, to enter foreign countries, what opportunities there are to work in the U.S. or European countries.

5.I join the opinion that" society is becoming illiterate". Nowadays, when information is easily accessible, it is important to develop people's skills of critical thinking, analyzing and selective perception of information. This requires not only educational efforts on the part of institutions, but also the active participation of society in building a culture of learning, sharing knowledge and stimulating educational initiatives.