Binary open class

26 february, 2024

On February 23, 2024, Senior Teacher of the Management Department S.I. Taszharganov conducted an open class on course Corporate Governance for 3rd year students of the EP Management.

A binary lesson format was chosen for an open lesson. The materials were prepared under the guidance of a teacher together with 3 student assistants. During the lesson, such forms as a team test, a game with cards, an individual test on the platform, and a captain competition were used.

The students liked the method of conducting a binaryclass. They showed great interest and responsibilityduring preparation for the event. Assistant-studentscarefully selected materials, organized the game.

Based on the results of the class, the teacher motivatedthe students with diplomas for 1st, 2nd, 3rd places, as well as the nominations “Best Captain” and “BestParticipant”. Students who assisted in the class werepresented with “Letters of Gratitude.” The open classwas attended by the head of the department, Ph.D. Smagulova G.S. and senior lecturer, Ph.D. TankievaA.K.