KazNU implements joint projects with Indonesian scientists

28 february, 2024

The delegation of Darussalam Gontora University (Indonesia) headed by Professor Ahmad Affandi Mahfudz arrived to Al-Farabi KazNU with a working visit.

As part of the visit, the guests of honour met with the university administration to discuss the directions and prospects of mutually beneficial cooperation.

At the meeting member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Lyazzat Erkinbaeva noted the systematic development of bilateral relations.

In particular, Al-Farabi KazNU has established scientific and educational co-operation with 4 universities in Indonesia: the University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta State University, Sultan Syarif Kasim State Islamic University, Darussalam Gonzim University. Sultan Syarif Kasim State Islamic University, Darussalam Gontor University. KazNU attracts leading scientists to give lectures and supervise PhD students.

On 21 October 2021 the meeting of Chairman of the Board - Rector Zhanseit Tuimebaev with the Rector of the State Islamic University named after Sultan Syarif Kasim (Indonesia) in KazNU took place. At the end of the meeting a memorandum of co-operation between the two universities was signed.

On 10 November 2023, a delegation from Darussalam Gontor University headed by Rector Fahmi Hamid visited the University. During the meeting they discussed the implementation of bachelor's and doctoral degree programmes, etc. At the end of the talks, the two sides signed an additional agreement to the memorandum of co-operation.

"In 2022-23, two professors from universities in Indonesia visited our university as part of academic mobility. Currently, 9 students from Indonesia are studying at KazNU under the scholarship programme of RK. Our ties are strengthening every year, - emphasised the vice-rector. - I think we will be able today to discuss the prospects for the development of dual-diploma education with a focus on the implementation of a dual-diploma programme in Islamic finance, as well as conducting joint research".

In his response speech, Mr Professor Ahmad Affandi Mahfudz noted that he was pleased with the dynamic development of relations between the universities and the signing of the memorandum, which stimulated interaction. "Al-Farabi KazNU is celebrating its 90th anniversary this year. We are approaching the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Darussalam Gontor University. And we very much hope that universities with a rich history will fruitfully co-operate and implement joint projects. In particular, we propose to introduce a public service programme, which we have already successfully tested with universities in Malaysia, Turkey and other countries".

After the meeting, the Indonesian delegation exchanged views with scholars, deans of faculties to discuss promising joint initiatives.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University