Guest Lecture on International Markets in the context of the 4th Sustainable Development Goal “Quality Education”

1 march, 2024

On March 1, 2024, a guest lecture on international markets and competition strategies was held at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The lecturer was Raushan Tarakbaeva, candidate of technical sciences, scholarship holder of the Bolashak program, associate professor of the Department of Marketing and Logistics of the University of Turan. The topic of the lecture is “Offensive and defensive competitive strategies in international markets.”

The event took place at the Faculty of International Relations and attracted both students and teachers interested in this topic.

The lecture became a platform for the exchange of experiences and opinions, as well as an opportunity to ask questions to an expert in the field of marketing and logistics.

Organizers of the event: c.e.s. Yeimpasheva A.T., c.e.s. Myrzakhmetova A.M., Ph.D. Khamzaeva A.V.