Сultural and educational event «Birligimiz zharaskan»

1 march, 2024

On March 1, senior lecturer of the Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies Aizhan Kuderina held a cultural and educational event «Birligimiz zharaskan» dedicated to the Day of Gratitude, with the participation of 2nd year students of the specialty «6B03102-cultural studies». The purpose of the event is to popularize and demonstrate the traditions that introduce our country to peace and prosperity, preserve our national identity, and a special holiday. During the event, the girls wore jewelry, turbans, shekels, attracted the attention of the country and, undoubtedly, admired them. The main thing is the preservation and popularization of our national cultural heritage, which is the basis of the civilization of the Great Steppe through the assessment of the cultural value of our country, is the main task of the younger generation.