Lecture by HR expert on career building
February 28, 2024, Department of Management, al-FarabiUniversity hold a guest lecture dedicated to the 90th anniversaryof al-Farabi University. Lecturer Ybytaeva Zhuldyz - Directorof the HR-Management School, HR-expert, InternationalProfessional Coach (ICF), member of Kazakhstani HR Managers Association. During the lecture on “Life hacks forbuilding a career” students received advice on building a career, correctly filling out a resume, preparing for an interview andtips on overcoming fear during an interview. Zhalgasbaeva D.T. - 3rd year student of OP “Management” was awarded the bookfor the best question.
The guest lecture was attended by: Head of ManagementDepartment, PhD, Associate Professor Smagulova G.S.; senioradvisor at the Higher School of Economics and Business KulievI.O., teachers of Management Department A.A. Askerov, A. Zhainazar, G. Galymkyzy as well as 1st and 3rd year students ofthe OP “Management”, “State and Local Administration”.