The harm of drugs, addiction and unhealthy lifestyle.

29 february, 2024

On February 29, organized by the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics, a meeting was held with Aitolkyn Abdybakhytovna, a narcologist at the Mental Health Center of the Almaty Public Health Department on the topic “The harm of drugs, drug addiction and unhealthy lifestyle.”

The purpose of the measure is to prevent problems associated with drugs and drug use. Raising youth awareness of drug-related problems.

Narcologist Aitolkyn Abdybakhytovna shared information about the consequences of drug addiction and the harm to human life. It was a meeting at which special videos and collected materials were presented, as well as answers to pressing questions were found.

Every society has its own serious problems. As society prospers and the human mind develops, the diseases associated with it become stronger and stronger, like an uncontrollable headache. It’s a pity that if you look, people come up with diseases and ailments that cannot be cured. The disease of drug addiction is spreading deeper every day. Kazakhstan is also affected by this “infectious disease”. We can say that it only gets worse over time. There are various reasons for this. The main one is access to drugs and psychotropic substances. The proof of this is that the people who are caught every day with various drugs or psychotropic substances are just white people. The vast majority of drug users are girls and boys. Because teenagers come as wannabes, so they don't know how they became drug addicts, because once they use drugs, they won't do anything.

A person addicted to drugs cannot get rid of them easily. A person suffering from drug addiction not only destroys his health and life, but also endangers the lives of his loved ones and those around him.

“Creating a drug-free society is the duty of every Kazakhstani. You all know that the spread of drugs, including synthetic ones, threatens the well-being of future generations. In this regard, their addiction to drugs can be prevented by holding useful meetings where teenagers are told about the dangers of drugs, increasing their legal literacy. Today it has become a tradition to organize various seminars, round tables with lectures, as well as various events with the participation of parents in urban educational centers. We believe that by joining forces, we will have a positive impact on the younger generation and ensure a healthy future.