An office named after Professor Sapar Tusupbekov has been opened in Bayanaul district

15 december, 2023

Within the framework 4 of the program, the goal of sustainable development, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Chemistry, Catalysis and Petrochemistry of Al-Farabi KazNU A.S. Tusupbekova sponsored the organization of a chemical room in the main secondary school of Akshi village, Bayanaul district, Pavlodar region. She delivered to the school a laboratory table, a set of reference and instructional wall tables on chemistry, a set of chemical utensils, including more than 50 items, a set of accessories, assemblies and parts, with the help of which it is possible to assemble a variety of devices and installations for demonstration experiments in inorganic and organic chemistry under the program of basic and advanced levels of chemistry.


The opening of the chemical office was attended by representatives of the district department of education, local residents, teachers and students.