29 february, 2024

    On February 29, 2024,  at Al-Farabi Library, within the framework of SDG    the students of Groups 403 and 404   of  A. Baitursynov Department of Kazakh Linguistics  majoring in Kazakh Philology  held  the  round table discussion  on the topic «HUMAN RIGHTS - THE MAIN VALUE OF THE STATE» .  The students of the Faculty of Philology, the Faculty of  International Relations and Oriental Studies took part in this event. They  asked questions and shared their opinions.  The following guests were invited to the event:

     1. PhD student of Makan Esbolatov  Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, police lieutenant,  colonel , Shamshieva Indira Serikkyzy;

      2. Associate Professor of the Department of Military and Special Tactical Training of Makan Esbolatov Almaty Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Candidate of Political Sciences, Police Lieutenant,  Colonel Amreev Aktolkyn Aitkhankyzy.

      The round table discussion aimed at teaching  young people to exercise their rights, apply them in life, and improve their legal literacy by providing information from the field of legal education.

During the roundtable discussion, the participants were told about   their rights and  civic duties. Aslo they were told that they mustn’t violate the rights of other citizens.

Organizers:  curators of student groups KF 403 and 404,  senior lecturer, candidate of philological sciences,   Darmenkulova R.N. and  Ph.D.  Sarsenbay Z.A.

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