On March 13, 2024, at 13:00, a guest lecture on the subject of "Taxation of Entrepreneurship" was held within the framework of the 8th Sustainable Development Goal "Decent Work and Economic Growth", involving 3rd-year students. The event was organized jointly with the head of the Taxpayer Service Department of the Revenue Service of the Bostandyk District of Almaty, Gulvira Mukhanbayevna Suyenbayeva, and an associate professor of the Finance and Accounting Department, candidate of economic sciences, Galymzhan Eskarauli Kerimbek.
During the lecture, the specifics of taxation for entrepreneurial activities according to the new Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan were discussed. Changes and amendments aimed at stimulating small and medium-sized entrepreneurship in the country, as well as modern innovations in tax policy and special tax regimes, were also examined.
Several questions were raised by the students on various pertinent topics, including tax incentives for private entrepreneurship, advantages of the retail sales tax, the necessity of full digitalization of tax administration, and benefits of entrepreneurship.
The guest lecture proved to be extremely beneficial for the students. The combination of theoretical knowledge with the practical experience of a professional significantly increased the students' interest and motivation.