Within the framework of SDG 7 "Decent work and economic growth", senior teachers, PhD Kassenova G.E. and Assilova A.A. of the Department of Finance and Accounting (HSEB), organized a guest lecture with an employer for students of the 4th year of graduation in Finance of the Kazakh and Russian departments.
Speaker of the guest meeting, founder and CEO of Meridian and ASDECOR companies Ospanova Zhaina Zhumagulovna. The topic of the guest meeting: "Build your dream with us."
The employer spoke about the Meridian and ASDECOR companies, about the need to: constantly accumulate and improve their knowledge; overcome obstacles in training and work; exchange outgoing and incoming energy, thoughts and particles, because a violation of the exchange leads to the destruction of the business. The speaker also explained the importance of correctly formulating your goals and showed several methods of achieving the goal.
Next, the speaker identified the personality types of the students present and their main behavioral types. Employers take into account the behavioral types of people when hiring in the first place.
At the end of the meeting, the speaker showed the existing vacancies in Meridian and ASDECOR companies, which are: financial manager, financial analyst, accountant and sales manager.
In general, the meeting was very productive, the students received a lot of interesting information, employment opportunities, and the most active students were rewarded with branded gifts from ASDECOR.
The Department of Finance and Accounting and students of the specialty Finance thank speaker Ospanova Zh.Zh. for a useful and interesting guest meeting.
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