SDG-3 We will defeat tuberculosis

19 march, 2024

19.03.2024 as part of the" World Tuberculosis Day", a lecture" we will defeat tuberculosis " was held for students of Farabi University. The guest of the evening was Sagit Zhubatkhanovich vrachy of the scientific center of phthisiopulmunology of the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the lecture, the main attention was paid to the fact that students ' tuberculosis disease is currently easily cured. In addition, he noted that it would be easier to prevent the disease if the sick person, instead of hiding, immediately undergo an examination and seek help from a qualified specialist. Students who came asked questions on this issue and received a rich answer. 
 We express our gratitude to the scientific center of phthisiopulmunology of the Republic of Kazakhstan and lecturer Sagit Zhubatkhanovich for their contribution to the health of our students.