KazNU hosted a book exhibition dedicated to the goals of the SDGs

20 march, 2024

The Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi hosted a book exhibition dedicated to the disclosure of 17 global goals of the UN program. The exhibition presented the works of KazNU faculty - 300 books on SDGs.

The exhibition is organized by the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law together with the Farabi Reading Club at the Al-Farabi Library.
President of Kazakhstan Kasym-Jomarta Tokayev, speaking at the third session of the National Kurultai, emphasized "We, first of all, must instill in young people the love of reading. Only in this way we will become a reading nation. Love for books is a wonderful quality. The most significant stepping stones to the progress of our nation are books. Therefore, we must consistently inculcate a high reading culture in the society"

Today, Book Clubs on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in various countries play an important role in promoting the Goals to a wide audience, especially young people.
These initiatives are important steps towards raising awareness of the SDGs and developing a new generation of leaders who are ready to take on the challenges of today's world and strive for a sustainable planet.

The event was attended by the Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law of the Faculty of Law Karlygash Useinova, Director of the Institute of Sustainable Development named after Ban Ki-moon Zhansaya Isaeva, Acting Director of the Al-Farabi Library of KazNU Zhadyra Aydingalievna who noted the importance of the event.

The aim of the exhibition is to increase young people's interest in reading, sharpening their knowledge and expertise in order to realize the Sustainable Development Goals.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University