4 december, 2023

On December 4, teacher of the department of the UNESCO сhair in Sustainable Development Yerekeyeva S.Zh., in collaboration with infectious disease doctor Ordabayeva T.B., as part of the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), held an open advisory hour on the topic “Proper nutrition is the key to health.” The organized event was attended by students of the UNESCO Department of Sustainable Development of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management, 3-4 years of educational program 6B11201-Life Safety and Environmental Protection, 6B05202-Ecology, 6B11202-Environmental Engineering, as well as students 2 courses in specialty 6B07303 - “Land management”. It is worth noting that the open advisory hour was held in accordance with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)-3 “Good health and well-being”. The group facilitator explained in detail the sustainable development goals, various tasks and indicators within its framework. Improvement measures were reported in order to attract and promote high progress towards the implementation of the SDGs in Kazakhstan. Infectious disease doctor Ordabayeva Tolkynai Berikovna noted that the problem of preventing acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, measles and other diseases is currently very relevant, given the particularly high incidence rate. The increase in the number of people infected and sick with acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, and measles usually has the nature of a seasonal epidemic. The most important prerequisite for the development of various aspects of human life and achieving active longevity is maintaining a healthy lifestyle, people’s health largely (50%) depends on lifestyle, so the goal also includes such a concept as well-being, another important condition for a healthy lifestyle is the level of education and culture, which today is known to everyone as necessary, ensures hygienic and medical literacy and upbringing. It is this knowledge and some preparation that allows you to effectively control all other factors associated with health and longevity.

Associate Professor Zhanteyeva G.E. stated that every person on the planet wants to live an interesting and fulfilling life: find their place in society, express themselves in their profession, take part in social, family and leisure activities. Good health is therefore very important for sustainable development, and the complexity and interconnectedness of health is on the agenda, taking into account growing economic and social inequalities, rapid urbanization, climate and environmental risks, and the fact that mass health coverage is integral to achieving SDG-3.

Students spoke about modern nutrition problems and how to lead a healthy lifestyle. Summing up the results of the open advisory hour, I would like to note that the sustainable development goals are not only UN goals, but also world goals, and at the same time, based on the proverbs “Where there is unity, there is life,” let’s together implement a plan to achieve a better and more sustainable future.