In KazNU presented a series of books "90 years of success"

27 march, 2024

In Al-Farabi KazNU took place the presentation of the series of books of the Faculty of Philology "90 years of success", dedicated to the anniversary of the university.

The event was attended by representatives of the management, faculty, scholars and students of the university.

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Philology Bayan Joldasbekova - emphasized the significance of the event timed to the anniversary of Al-Farabi KazNU.

"This year marks the 90th anniversary of our university. We have been preparing for this exciting day in advance. The jubilee series consists of 10 editions. These are the books of our respected teachers, scientists who have made an invaluable contribution to the development of the university. And, undoubtedly, they are of interest not only for philologists", - said Bayan Umirbekovna.
The publication "Official Business Language: Kazakh-Russian Combination Dictionary" was presented by Eleonora Suleimenova, Academician of the International Academy of Higher School Sciences, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor. "Books are our main production and contribution to the development of Kazakh philology and linguistics. Many thanks to those who invested efforts and funds in this project. As a result we managed to publish our dictionary, it will be useful for those who study Kazakh language".

At the event also spoke, presenting the editions of the series: Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of General Linguistics of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University R.A. Avakova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Acting Associate Professor S.B. Bektemirova, Associate Professor of the Department of Kazakh Linguistics B.R. Kulzhanova and others.

The anniversary series "90 Years of Success" includes the monograph "Anthology of Russian-language literature of Kazakhstan" by B.Joldasbekova, where the material is collected and systematized, allowing to understand the chronological and qualitative boundaries of Russian-language literature of Kazakhstan, to get acquainted with the biography and poetics of the prose of writers.
B.Sagyndykuly's work "Phonological regularities of the development of the lexicon of Turkic languages and the patterns of modern Turkic languages" is devoted to the phonology of the development of the lexicon of Turkic languages.
The book "The Faculty of Philology - the Golden Cradle of Word Art" by S. Daribayuly, Sh. Shortanbay, L. Musaly, E. Soltanaeva, edited by B. Joldasbekova, reflects the history of creation, formation and development of the Faculty of Philology, as well as detailed information about its current achievements, tasks and new plans.

In the monograph of Professor A. Amanzholov "Experience of studying Turkic languages" the analysis of grammatical structure and lexical composition of Turkic languages is given, their typological features are revealed.
"Official business language. Kazakh-Russian Dictionary of Combinations" by E. Suleimenova is a bilingual lexicography of free word combinations of the business Kazakh language. The dictionary contains more than 10,000 word combinations united around 1200 key words representing the actual vocabulary of modern business speech.

The monograph "Phraseosemantics" by R. Avakova presents Turkic phraseological phrases in Kazakh language in order to analyze them in different aspects of linguistics.
Collective monograph "Graduates of the Faculty of Philology poets and writers (two volumes)" edited by O. Abdimanuly and A. Temirbolat, included in the anniversary series "90 Years of Success", tells about the graduates of the faculty, who were the pride of the university, who contributed to the development of national literature.
The collective monograph "Foreign language teaching in the modern Kazakhstani educational paradigm" edited by B. Joldasbekova and M. Tleulinov is a finished work, which offers ways to solve a number of modern problems in the field of foreign language teaching, as well as identifies promising topics for further scientific and applied research.

The event was attended by representatives of the management, faculty, scholars and students of the university.

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Philology Bayan Joldasbekova - emphasized the significance of the event timed to the anniversary of Al-Farabi KazNU.

"This year marks the 90th anniversary of our university. We have been preparing for this exciting day in advance. The jubilee series consists of 10 editions. These are the books of our respected teachers, scientists who have made an invaluable contribution to the development of the university. And, undoubtedly, they are of interest not only for philologists", - said Bayan Umirbekovna.
The publication "Official Business Language: Kazakh-Russian Combination Dictionary" was presented by Eleonora Suleimenova, Academician of the International Academy of Higher School Sciences, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor. "Books are our main production and contribution to the development of Kazakh philology and linguistics. Many thanks to those who invested efforts and funds in this project. As a result we managed to publish our dictionary, it will be useful for those who study Kazakh language".

At the event also spoke, presenting the editions of the series: Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of General Linguistics of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University R.A. Avakova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Acting Associate Professor S.B. Bektemirova, Associate Professor of the Department of Kazakh Linguistics B.R. Kulzhanova and others.

The anniversary series "90 Years of Success" includes the monograph "Anthology of Russian-language literature of Kazakhstan" by B.Joldasbekova, where the material is collected and systematized, allowing to understand the chronological and qualitative boundaries of Russian-language literature of Kazakhstan, to get acquainted with the biography and poetics of the prose of writers.
B.Sagyndykuly's work "Phonological regularities of the development of the lexicon of Turkic languages and the patterns of modern Turkic languages" is devoted to the phonology of the development of the lexicon of Turkic languages.
The book "The Faculty of Philology - the Golden Cradle of Word Art" by S. Daribayuly, Sh. Shortanbay, L. Musaly, E. Soltanaeva, edited by B. Joldasbekova, reflects the history of creation, formation and development of the Faculty of Philology, as well as detailed information about its current achievements, tasks and new plans.

In the monograph of Professor A. Amanzholov "Experience of studying Turkic languages" the analysis of grammatical structure and lexical composition of Turkic languages is given, their typological features are revealed.
"Official business language. Kazakh-Russian Dictionary of Combinations" by E. Suleimenova is a bilingual lexicography of free word combinations of the business Kazakh language. The dictionary contains more than 10,000 word combinations united around 1200 key words representing the actual vocabulary of modern business speech.

The monograph "Phraseosemantics" by R. Avakova presents Turkic phraseological phrases in Kazakh language in order to analyze them in different aspects of linguistics.
Collective monograph "Graduates of the Faculty of Philology poets and writers (two volumes)" edited by O. Abdimanuly and A. Temirbolat, included in the anniversary series "90 Years of Success", tells about the graduates of the faculty, who were the pride of the university, who contributed to the development of national literature.
The collective monograph "Foreign language teaching in the modern Kazakhstani educational paradigm" edited by B. Joldasbekova and M. Tleulinov is a finished work, which offers ways to solve a number of modern problems in the field of foreign language teaching, as well as identifies promising topics for further scientific and applied research.

The event was attended by representatives of the management, faculty, scholars and students of the university.

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Philology Bayan Joldasbekova - emphasized the significance of the event timed to the anniversary of Al-Farabi KazNU.

"This year marks the 90th anniversary of our university. We have been preparing for this exciting day in advance. The jubilee series consists of 10 editions. These are the books of our respected teachers, scientists who have made an invaluable contribution to the development of the university. And, undoubtedly, they are of interest not only for philologists", - said Bayan Umirbekovna.
The publication "Official Business Language: Kazakh-Russian Combination Dictionary" was presented by Eleonora Suleimenova, Academician of the International Academy of Higher School Sciences, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor. "Books are our main production and contribution to the development of Kazakh philology and linguistics. Many thanks to those who invested efforts and funds in this project. As a result we managed to publish our dictionary, it will be useful for those who study Kazakh language".

At the event also spoke, presenting the editions of the series: Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of General Linguistics of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University R.A. Avakova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Acting Associate Professor S.B. Bektemirova, Associate Professor of the Department of Kazakh Linguistics B.R. Kulzhanova and others.

The anniversary series "90 Years of Success" includes the monograph "Anthology of Russian-language literature of Kazakhstan" by B.Joldasbekova, where the material is collected and systematized, allowing to understand the chronological and qualitative boundaries of Russian-language literature of Kazakhstan, to get acquainted with the biography and poetics of the prose of writers.
B.Sagyndykuly's work "Phonological regularities of the development of the lexicon of Turkic languages and the patterns of modern Turkic languages" is devoted to the phonology of the development of the lexicon of Turkic languages.
The book "The Faculty of Philology - the Golden Cradle of Word Art" by S. Daribayuly, Sh. Shortanbay, L. Musaly, E. Soltanaeva, edited by B. Joldasbekova, reflects the history of creation, formation and development of the Faculty of Philology, as well as detailed information about its current achievements, tasks and new plans.

In the monograph of Professor A. Amanzholov "Experience of studying Turkic languages" the analysis of grammatical structure and lexical composition of Turkic languages is given, their typological features are revealed.
"Official business language. Kazakh-Russian Dictionary of Combinations" by E. Suleimenova is a bilingual lexicography of free word combinations of the business Kazakh language. The dictionary contains more than 10,000 word combinations united around 1200 key words representing the actual vocabulary of modern business speech.

The monograph "Phraseosemantics" by R. Avakova presents Turkic phraseological phrases in Kazakh language in order to analyze them in different aspects of linguistics.
Collective monograph "Graduates of the Faculty of Philology poets and writers (two volumes)" edited by O. Abdimanuly and A. Temirbolat, included in the anniversary series "90 Years of Success", tells about the graduates of the faculty, who were the pride of the university, who contributed to the development of national literature.
The collective monograph "Foreign language teaching in the modern Kazakhstani educational paradigm" edited by B. Joldasbekova and M. Tleulinov is a finished work, which offers ways to solve a number of modern problems in the field of foreign language teaching, as well as identifies promising topics for further scientific and applied research.

The event was attended by representatives of the management, faculty, scholars and students of the university.

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Philology Bayan Joldasbekova - emphasized the significance of the event timed to the anniversary of Al-Farabi KazNU.

"This year marks the 90th anniversary of our university. We have been preparing for this exciting day in advance. The jubilee series consists of 10 editions. These are the books of our respected teachers, scientists who have made an invaluable contribution to the development of the university. And, undoubtedly, they are of interest not only for philologists", - said Bayan Umirbekovna.
The publication "Official Business Language: Kazakh-Russian Combination Dictionary" was presented by Eleonora Suleimenova, Academician of the International Academy of Higher School Sciences, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor. "Books are our main production and contribution to the development of Kazakh philology and linguistics. Many thanks to those who invested efforts and funds in this project. As a result we managed to publish our dictionary, it will be useful for those who study Kazakh language".

At the event also spoke, presenting the editions of the series: Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of General Linguistics of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University R.A. Avakova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Acting Associate Professor S.B. Bektemirova, Associate Professor of the Department of Kazakh Linguistics B.R. Kulzhanova and others.

The anniversary series "90 Years of Success" includes the monograph "Anthology of Russian-language literature of Kazakhstan" by B.Joldasbekova, where the material is collected and systematized, allowing to understand the chronological and qualitative boundaries of Russian-language literature of Kazakhstan, to get acquainted with the biography and poetics of the prose of writers.
B.Sagyndykuly's work "Phonological regularities of the development of the lexicon of Turkic languages and the patterns of modern Turkic languages" is devoted to the phonology of the development of the lexicon of Turkic languages.
The book "The Faculty of Philology - the Golden Cradle of Word Art" by S. Daribayuly, Sh. Shortanbay, L. Musaly, E. Soltanaeva, edited by B. Joldasbekova, reflects the history of creation, formation and development of the Faculty of Philology, as well as detailed information about its current achievements, tasks and new plans.

In the monograph of Professor A. Amanzholov "Experience of studying Turkic languages" the analysis of grammatical structure and lexical composition of Turkic languages is given, their typological features are revealed.
"Official business language. Kazakh-Russian Dictionary of Combinations" by E. Suleimenova is a bilingual lexicography of free word combinations of the business Kazakh language. The dictionary contains more than 10,000 word combinations united around 1200 key words representing the actual vocabulary of modern business speech.

The monograph "Phraseosemantics" by R. Avakova presents Turkic phraseological phrases in Kazakh language in order to analyze them in different aspects of linguistics.
Collective monograph "Graduates of the Faculty of Philology poets and writers (two volumes)" edited by O. Abdimanuly and A. Temirbolat, included in the anniversary series "90 Years of Success", tells about the graduates of the faculty, who were the pride of the university, who contributed to the development of national literature.
The collective monograph "Foreign language teaching in the modern Kazakhstani educational paradigm" edited by B. Joldasbekova and M. Tleulinov is a finished work, which offers ways to solve a number of modern problems in the field of foreign language teaching, as well as identifies promising topics for further scientific and applied research.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University