Undergoing a scientific internship in France

28 march, 2024

The Best University Teacher competition is held annually to raise the prestige of teachers and encourage them to develop professionally. A total of 768 candidates from 80 universities took part in the competition. As reported in the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, 150 teachers from 43 Kazakhstani universities, including 32 teachers of Kara Shanyrak, won the title of "Best Teacher of Higher Education - 2023".

Zhazira Kabylovna at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics since 2003 is a senior laboratory assistant, lecturer, senior lecturer, acting associate professor. She is the deputy head of the department for educational and methodical and educational work of the department, and since 2019 she has been the head of the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics.

Zhazira Zhunusbaeva-scientific grant of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science "brown leaf rust Brachypodium distachyon L. physiological and biochemical mechanisms of nonspecific resistance of the model object" (2018-2020).) responsible executor of the project. More than 80 scientific articles and abstracts on the obtained scientific results, more than 100 articles in domestic MES journals and five articles and abstracts in journals included in the information base of Thomson Reuters, Scopus, two teaching aids on UMO Rums (2012,2017) and five teaching aids, two monographs (2017, 2024). Also under the leadership of Zhazira Kabylovna for the first time in the republic opened the educational program "Genetics" at the level of bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies.

Ж. Zhunusbaeva in 2012 underwent a short-term internship at the Department of Agronomy, Institute of Biology, Tomsk State University under the program of the RFBR Foundation, and in 2019 at the Center of Phytochemistry, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Phytochemistry of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia (Bulgaria) on the topic "study of molecular-biochemical mechanism of soft wheat to stressful environmental factors".

In 2021 on Coursera platform Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University together with Al-Farabi KazNU prepared in English subtitles of Methods of molecular biology course in Kazakh language. Also this course will be held in 2022 in the ICC kaznu (orep.kaznu.kz) included in the process of distance learning online course on the discipline "Methods of molecular biology course" with subtitles in English and Kazakh languages.

Ж. Zhunusbayeva actively participates in the public work of the faculty. Since 2009 she is a member of the methodical bureau of the faculty, in 2012 - the chairman of the methodical bureau of the faculty.

On research work two students became prize-winners of the competition of scientific projects among schoolchildren, organized by the Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Daryn". On the republican competition on the best scientific work of students on natural-technical, social-humanities and economic sciences two students became owners of diplomas of II, III degree. Zhazira Kabylovna was awarded a breastplate "For contribution to education" in the framework of the republican competition "The best teachers of independent country-2022" in 2022 on the indicator of scientific and pedagogical labor.

Associate Professor Zhazira Kabylovna, who recently became the owner of the scholarship of the program "Bolashak", during the scientific internship under the guidance of the head of the laboratory "DNA repair" of the Institute named after Gustave Rosy (France), Professor Murat Kalievich studies the mechanism of inheritance of mitochondrial DNA chains and patterns of somatic mutations in the genome. This research work helps to find new ways to pre-diagnose and prevent diseases and cellular aging that occur with human age.

Akerke SERBAEVA, Senior Lecturer,

Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics

Shynar Irgynbaeva,

Acting Assistant Professor