Students of KazNU take an active part in the action "Day without a car"

28 march, 2024

Students of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University supported the action "Day without a car".

Within the framework of the Challenge, the young people of the university filmed and published various videos on social networks, drawing the public's attention to driving without transportation.
The goal is to provide an ecological reminder of the existence of alternative modes of transportation, such as cycling, walking, and the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal No. 9 "Industrialization, Innovation and Infrastructure".

Head of State Kasym-Jomart Tokayev in his message to the people of Kazakhstan "Economic course of fair Kazakhstan" said: "We should emphasize the development of green economy. It is obvious that in the long term the global transition to clean energy is inevitable. According to international analysts, about one-third of global capital investments are already being made in renewable energy projects. Kazakhstan has also done a lot of work, adopting a new Environmental Code and the Strategy for achieving carbon neutrality until 2060". In addition, the President of Kazakhstan at the second meeting of the National Kurultai "Adal Kazakhstan - Adal Azamat" noted: "It is important to inculcate high ecological culture in children, to show them an example of careful attitude to nature".

Students of KazNU through the action "Day without a car" promote the improvement of air quality, reducing the concentration of exhaust gases in the air of the city and careful attitude to the environment.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University