SDG 7. Open curatorial hour on the topic "Green Kazakhstan".

19 march, 2024

In order to fulfill the 24-point spiritual and moral education of the educational work of the Department of Thermophysics and Technical Physics for the 2023-2024 academic year and increase the level of environmental literacy of students and the formation of positions and views on environmental protection, a curatorial hour "week of environmental literacy"Zhasyl Kazakhstan" was held.

The curatorial hour was attended by teachers of the Department of Thermophysics and Technical Physics, undergraduates and 1st year students of the specialty thermal power engineering (TE-139 group).

During the curatorial hour, students and undergraduates exchanged views and answered quiz questions.

The importance of developing, beautifying and preserving green Kazakhstan as a state with a better ecology through environmental protection for future generations


was explained among the students, and it was also said to adhere to the principle of not polluting the environment.


Responsible: curator of the Amir B.T.