SDG 4. Educational event on the theme “Day of Intelligence”
An open educational hour "Intelligence Day" was held at the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The open educational hour was attended by teachers of the Department of Thermophysics and Technical Physics, undergraduates and 1st year students of the specialty "Standardization and Certification" (SIS-131).
Currently, in the Kazakh people, a special place is given to oral literature in the development of intellectual abilities, improving the thinking of students. The song of heroes brings up patriotism, honesty, heroism in children, oratory teaches them to find words, stop at grandfather's words. With the help of proverbs, the child's vocabulary is replenished.
The purpose of the event is to introduce students to the topic of "intellectuality" and participate in misleading speeches, improve memory and speak fluently in front of a group. Develop and strengthen the student's imagination by hiding a riddle, finding it, or creating a riddle from a thought. Tell proverbs, riddles, misconceptions, read excerpts from psalms and epics, give spiritual food.
Since the song of heroes is one of the richest and oldest genres of oral literature, the song of heroes was read expressively. During the open lesson, basic information on the place of the proverb in our country was presented. The knowledge gained in various interactive games, both terminological and intellectual, is approved.
Responsible organizers:
Undergraduates of the specialty "Standardization and certification" of the Department of Thermal Physics and Technical Physics of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University – Auganbai S. K., Tuleuova L. B. and teachers of the Department of Thermal Physics and Technical Physics of Al–Farabi Kazakh National University - Kuykabayeva A.A., Tuseev T.T.