24 march, 2024

From March 1 to 24, 2024,  the  Department of A. Baitursynov Kazakh Linguistics of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the International Association of Kazakh Language Teachers together with the Department of State Language Department  of the Akimat of Zhambyl region held a competition: "XX GASYR KOKZHIEGINDEGI USH BAITEREK" dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the three Baitereks of  Kazakh literature: B. Mailina, I. Zhansugurova and  S. Seifullin. The competition aimed to  study  and popularize  the heritage of Alash figure, a  poet,  a writer and three baitereks of  Kazakh literature:  B. Mailin, I. Zhansugurov and S. Seifullin. In total, about 100 papers  were submitted in three competition  sections:  an essay, a dedication, and an article. According to  the completion  rules  60 papers  were accepted,  the authors of 9 papers  became winners. The young people  from all over the country, in particular from Almaty, Karaganda, Aktobe, Semey, Taraz, Arkalyk, Ust-Kamenogorsk took part in the competition.

The papers  of the contestants were checked and analyzed by  the jury  consisted of  the professors and the lecturers of  A. Baitursynov Department of Kazakh Linguistics of  al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The awarding ceremony took place on March 29, 2024 in the hall of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the Al-Farabi Library in offline and online format. The awarding  ceremony was conducted by Doctor of Philology, Professor, President of the International Association of Teachers of the Kazakh Language,  Anar Salkynbai. Also, Professor of al-Farabi University, Doctor of Philology Alkebayeva Dina Akbergenovna, Associate professor of the Department of Kazakh Literature and Theory, Candidate of Philological Sciences,  Sarbasov Bolathan Sergazievich who shared the  details about Alash  personality and congratulated the winners of the competition participated in this event. The faculty lecturers as well as the students and the PhD students  of al-Farabi University were also present  at  this event.

In   the dedication section, the 1st place was taken by Abdraliev Madiyar Maksatovich, the  1st-year student of  Zhambyl Higher Medical College of Taraz, the 2nd place was taken by Talgat Almira Talgatovna, the student of the 10th grade of secondary school No. 36 in Karaganda, the 3rd place was taken by Serik Bekarys Maksatovich, the student of Shubarkuduk Kazakh-Russian school No.2 Temir district of Aktobe region.

The first place in the essay section  was taken by the  1st-year student of  al-Farabi Kazakh National University of  Almaty city, Ernatovna Ayaulym,  the 2nd place was taken by the  student of the 9th grade of  I. Altynsarin Gymnasium No. 49, Taraz city,  Ramazan Zhuldyz Yerbolatovna,  the 3rd place was taken by Kakimovna Balnur, the student of the 8th grade of Toleubai Amanov secondary school No. 16 in Semey Abai region.

 In the  article section, Gulnur Yerkinovna, the 4th-year student of I. Altynsarin  Arkalyk Pedagogical Institute,  took  the 1st place, Dinara Sargulova, the  student of the 9th grade of Yuri Gagarin secondary school in Sarykemer village of  Bayzak district of Zhambyl region, took the 2d place, the  3rd place was taken by  the  student of the 10th grade of M. Makatayev secondary school No. 14 in  Taraz city,  Abilkhan Tolganai. The winners were awarded the  diplomas,  the notebooks issued by  al-Farabi University,   "Gibratty gumyr" book  devoted to  Professor Marhabat Tomanov,  and the pictures. The best papers  were  published on "Kalamger" portal. In general,  the letters of thanks were presented to all  participants of the competition.

 Professor A. Salkynbai  ended the ceremony with her speech. She said: "There will be only victory in the competition, not defeat. This is due to the fact that the applicant participating in the competition increases cognition, improves the ability to analyze and write information. The competition improves the requirements and tastes, skills, eloquence, knowledge and talents of a young writer."  She also said that the young generation of the XX century had to strive for  high-quality education  as well as a  career in science.